The "Check-out all" command is by default inactive (grayed out). How to enable this command?
The Check Out All command is enabled based on the setting in Solid Edge Administrator
Note: SEAdmin.exe is an administrative tool. To make changes you need to copy the SEAdmin.exe from the Solid Edge media (located in ..\DVD\Solid Edge\SptTools\SEAdmin) to your local Solid Edge xx\program folder.
Steps to perform:
Run SEAdmin.exe
Set to option "Show Check Out All command" to TRUE
Save your options.xml on a shared location
Start Solid Edge and do not login with SEEC yet!
Go to Solid Edge Settings -> Options -> File Locations and verify that the path is set to the new Options.xml location.
Select the Solid Edge Admin line and press "Update"
Now login with SEEC and open an Assembly
On the Teamcenter Tab go to the Check Out All command and notice this is now activated
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Version: V220.0
Function: SEEC
Ref: 002-8015039