Drafting Commands such as Base View are not available in NX July Functional Release (1872 Series)




After updating to the NX July Functional release (1872 series), the Base View command in drafting is not available along with other drafting commands such as section view.

The commands are not visible in the menus or the ribbon bar:

And command finder reports the command as not available:

Why are they missing and how can these commands be made available?


This is a known problem when using Roles that have been created or modified using earlier releases of NX.

The problem is caused by a change of command type for some of the view commands, from toggle buttons to action (push) buttons. Starting with 1872, ribbon/menu customization code is more restrictive on the command type and no longer tolerates incorrect command type specification in role files.

There are two possible solutions in this situation.

Remove affected user role MTX files and recreate in NX1872

The steps to do this are:
1) Close NX
2) In File Explorer go to your UGII_USER_DIR folder, for example
3) Delete the file user.mtx
4) Ensure you do not have the variable UGII_DEFAULT_ROLE set and pointing to a role (.mtx) file from an earlier version
5) Start NX and the commands should be available again

Remove the incorrect commands from the user role MTX files

The incorrect command type specification in role files can be addressed by modifying the affected role files (including users' current user.mtx file) in a text editor. The list of commands that need to be updated are:


For each command, find all instances of the command in the role files and change the type attribute from "toggle" to "button".

For example, change

<ActionItem name="UG_DRAFT_DRW_IMPORT_VIEW" type="toggle"/>
<ActionItem name="UG_DRAFT_DRW_IMPORT_VIEW" type="button"/>
After saving the modified MTX file(s) NX can be started and the commands will be available again and existing changes in the role will be maintained.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Version: V1872
Function: UI_TOOLS

Ref: 002-8014951

KB Article ID# PL8014951



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