Customer is adding some tubes by API ("AddTube"). After creation, all (existing) relationships of the path fail. This is not happening by adding the same tubes manually.
Customer shortened the API-command by ommitting unused parameters, which usually means no problem because default values are used instead.
Full command looks like this:
AddTube (TubeSegments(), PartFileName, TemplateFileName, IsSolid , Material , BendRadius, OuterDiameter, MinimumFlatLength, WallThickness, ExtendStart, ExtendEnd, AddConnectRelations, StartEndTreatmentType, StartEndTreatmentInsideDiameter, StartEndTreatmentOutsideDiameter, StartEndTreatmentRadius, StartEndTreatmentDepth, StartEndTreatmentAngle, EndEndTreatmentType, EndEndTreatmentInsideDiameter, EndEndTreatmentOutsideDiameter, EndEndTreatmentRadius, EndEndTreatmentDepth, EndEndTreatmentAngle)
Customer stopped after "ExtendEnd", which results in this:
AddTube (TubeSegments(), PartFileName, TemplateFileName, IsSolid , Material , BendRadius, OuterDiameter, MinimumFlatLength, WallThickness, ExtendStart, ExtendEnd)
Unfortunately the default value for "AddConnectRelations" seems to be "True", which, in his case, lead to added relations, which made existing relations fail.
So the solution is to explicitly set parameter "AddConnectRelations" to "False", like:
AddTube (TubeSegments(), PartFileName, TemplateFileName, IsSolid , Material , BendRadius, OuterDiameter, MinimumFlatLength, WallThickness, ExtendStart, ExtendEnd, False)
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: windows
OS Version: 764sp1
Application: ASSEMBLY
Function: TUBING
Ref: 002-8014898