How to get the appropriate Composite ID information for Solid Edge 2020?




Starting with Solid Edge 2020 you will need the Composite ID for Floating Licenses and what is being called the Composite2 ID for Node Locked Licenses.  How to find out what they are? 


If you have Solid Edge 2020 already installed, then you can see the Composite2 by starting the Solid Edge License Utility:

If you have floating Licenses and are using a FlexLM License Server, where normally Solid Edge would not be installed, you need to run the getcid.exe, which can be found on the Siemens PLM Download Server:

Once the getcid.exe is downloaded, you can run it on the server machine, and you will get the following information:

Here in the first red marked area you will see the hostname of the FlexLM Server and after that the CID of the machine. The Composite ID you need to note/copy is the one associated to the Ethernet (wired) network connection, and not the Wireless (Wifi) connection.

Please note, that if you start the getcid.exe from within a command prompt, you will have the ability to add parameters to the executable.  The parameters can be seen when you enter:

getcid -help

The result will be :

So with this tool you are able to get all CIDs for all products and additionally the Composite2 for Solid Edge node locked licenses , if you enter:

getcid -composite2

So, in summary, you only need the getcid tool to get all license related information.


If you have further inquiries about Node Locked Licensing please refer to the FAQs collection link below:

Solid Edge Node Locked License FAQs Collection

KB Article ID# PL8014835



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