PMI Surface Finish Symbol : how to change Roughness units values for the different Standards




Customer uses ESKD Standard. According to this Standard, 'Surface Finish Symbol' should has Ra units= Micrometers for Roughness fiels.
The following settings are set for this: 'Customer default --> Drafting --> Drafting Standard --> Annotation --> Surface Finish Symbol --> General --> Ra Units = Micrometers':

This  works OK for Drafting application.
But for PMI app SFS symbol dialog box shows 'Grade' instead of Micrometers, Drafting Customer default settings are ignored.

We can see Roughness Ra units for ANSI Standard:

Why the Customer default settings are not applied? And how can we get Ra Units = Micrometers for PMI?


Customer default values are considered for Drafting Surface Finish Symbols only.
To make some changes for PMI app, we need to modify dfa-files from the 'UGII\dfa\smart_models\hostlib' directory.

We can find more detailed information about customize dfa-files for PMI app at the following Doc. article:
"Design (CAD) \ Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) \ Specialized PMI \ User Defined PMI \ Advanced users: Customize NX-supplied DFA-based PMI symbols"

Values, which are applied for the SFS dialog box, are contained in the ug_surface_finish.dfa file.
Here we can see several blocks for different Standards : ANSI, ISO, DIN, JIS, ANSI-2002, ISO-2002, DIN-2002, GB, ESKD.
For Each Standard we can see List of Values according to the Standard Legend.

E.g. for this ESKD Legend:

In the ug_surface_finish.dfa file we can see the following Lists of Values:
(List) %eskd_a: { "", "N12", "N11", "N10", "N9", "N8", "N7", "N6", "N5", "N4", "N3", "N2", "N1" };
(List) %eskd_b: { "", "N12", "N11", "N10", "N9", "N8", "N7", "N6", "N5", "N4", "N3", "N2", "N1" };
(List) %eskd_c:      if Surface_Finish_Symbol_Type: = Basic then { "" }
                else if Surface_Finish_Symbol_Type: = Modifier then { "" }
                else if Surface_Finish_Symbol_Type: = ModifierAllAround then { "" }
                { "", "Blast", "Shotblast", "Turn", "Shot", "Drill", "Rub", "Mill", "Scrape", "Grind",
                  "Plane", "Lap", "Polish", "High Polish", "Erode", "Punch", "Depolish/Dim/Dull",
                  "Nitrify/Nitrate", "Chromium", "Zinc Coat/Galvanize" };
(List) %eskd_d:  { "", "<$EQ>", "<$PD>", "<$CR>", "M", "C", "R", "P" };
(List) %eskd_e:  { "", "1", "1.5", "2", "2.5", "3", "3.5", "4", "4.5", "5", "5.5", "6", "6.5", "7","7.5", "8", "8.5", "9", "9.5", "10"};
(List) %eskd_f:  { "", "N12", "N11", "N10", "N9", "N8", "N7", "N6", "N5", "N4", "N3", "N2", "N1" };
So according to this file we see 'Grade' values 'N*' at the PMI SFS dialog box for the Roughness fields.

But for ANSI Standard we can see Ra Roughness units in the ug_surface_finish.dfa file:
(List) %ansi_a:  { "", "Ra 0.025", "Ra 0.050", "Ra 0.075", "Ra 0.10", "Ra 0.20",
                   "Ra 0.40", "Ra 0.80", "Ra 1.60", "Ra 3.2", "Ra 6.3",
                   "Ra 12.5", "Ra 25" };

Namelly these List of Values we want to see for ESKD Standard.

To change 'Grade' Roughness values to the Ra units we should copy\paste the string from ANSI Standard to ESKD Standard and comment (or remove) string with 'Grade' values.

We should do it for all Legend symbols which we need.

E.g. here we have corrected Roughness 'a' values:
  • comment old string %eskd_a
  • paste %ansi_a string from ANSI
#(List) %eskd_a: { "", "N12", "N11", "N10", "N9", "N8", "N7", "N6", "N5", "N4", "N3", "N2", "N1" };
(List) %eskd_a:  { "", "Ra 0.025", "Ra 0.050", "Ra 0.075", "Ra 0.10", "Ra 0.20",
                   "Ra 0.40", "Ra 0.80", "Ra 1.60", "Ra 3.2", "Ra 6.3",
                   "Ra 12.5", "Ra 25" };
Now when we run SFS command at the PMI app, we can see Ra units instead of 'Grade' in the dialog box:

Notes and References


Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: PMI
Version: V1867

Ref: 002-8014719

KB Article ID# PL8014719



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