About The Image in the View Carousel.




The Image in the View Carousel does not match the Viewport.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a simple assembly with two components. Create some simple solid bodies in these components. 
2. In the PNT MB3 on 'Model Views' -> Add View -> specify any view name for e.g. "V1".
3. Create/Add one more view for e.g. "V2".
4. Menu -> Assemblies -> Context Control -> Hide Components in View.
Hide any one component.
5. In PNT MB3 on view "V2" -> Save.
6. PMI (tab) -> Publish Technical Data Package.
Templates (group) -> Select any template.
Model Views (group) -> select model views "V1" and "V2".
[OK] the dialog.
7. Open the exported PDF file.
In the View Carousel you will find that the image of view "V2" does not match the Viewport.


You need to generate NX model view previews for all selected views.

This can be done using the view save option for all views. Or you can use Menu->File->Properties->Preview tab->Model View Preview->Store Previews with On Demand option->Create Previews Now.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: TECH_DATA_PKG
Version: V1847
Function: PUBLISH

Ref: 002-8014475

KB Article ID# PL8014475



Associated Components