Roughing a Slot on Levels by Cutting Back and Forth Along the Boundary




A slot needs to be roughed as quickly as possible. The desired path would cut the entire length of the boundary, feed down to the next cut level and then mill back to the start position. This would than be repeated until the floor is reached. Can a planar mill operation be used to generate this tool path?


1. Create an operation using Operation Subtype -> Planar Profile . Be aware that this is not the same as a Planar Mill operation with a Profile Cut Pattern.

2. Create an Open Boundary and specify the Boundary Plane at the top of the part. For this article the boundary Member is created as an On Tool Position. A Tanto Tool Position can be used but care must be taken that the tool path is correct if there is a radius on the tool.

3. Set the Cutting Parameters -> Strategy -> Cut Direction -> Mixed setting to cause the tool to cut in both directions per cut level.

4. Alter the Non Cutting Moves -> Transfer/Rapid and the Non Cutting Moves -> Engage settings to suit.  Change the Traversal Feed Rate to output a feed move instead of a Rapid move.

5. The posted G-code might look something like the code below when milling the slot seen in the picture at the beginning of this article.

N0010 G40 G17 G90 G70
N0020 G91 G28 Z0.0
N0030 T01 M06
N0040 G00 G90 X4.45 Y2. S0 M03
N0050 G43 Z2.5 H01
N0060 Z1.975
N0070 G01 Z1.875 F10. M08
N0080 X4.
N0090 X0.0
N0100 X-.45
N0110 Z1.75
N0120 X0.0
N0130 X4.
N0140 X4.45
N0150 Z1.625

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: CAM
Version: V1863

Ref: 002-8014322

KB Article ID# PL8014322



Associated Components