Currently this piece of information, compatibility between NX and SolidWorks releases, cannot be found within the standard NX documentation.
This piece of information should be made available in the next NX releases, starting from the upcoming NX 2406 (June '24) release, either in the Release Notes or in the Help.
Find below the latest available compatibility matrix for NX vs SolidWorks.
NX2406 SW1999 to SW2024
NX2312 SW2009 to SW2023
NX2306 SW2009 to SW2023
NX2212 SW2009 to SW2022
NX2206 SW2009 to SW2022
NX2007 SW2009 to SW2021
NX1980 SW2009 to SW2021
NX1953 SW2009 to SW2020
NX1926 SW2009 to SW2020
NX1899 SW2007 to SW2019
NX1872 SW2007 to SW2019
NX1847 SW2007 to SW2018
NX12.0.2MP10 SW99 to SW2019
NX12.0.2MP2 SW99 to SW2018
NX12.0.2 SW99 to SW2017
NX12.0.1 SW99 to SW2017
NX12.0 SW99 to SW2017
NX11.0.2 SW99 to SW2017
NX11 to NX11.0.1 SW99 to SW2015
NX10.0.3 SW99 to SW2015
NX10 to NX10.0.2 SW99 to SW2014
NX9.0.3 SW99 to SW2015
NX9.0 SW99 to SW2012
NX8.5 SW99 to SW2012