NX Create Neutral Turning Tool Assembly for Mill Turn

NX for Manufacturing



Defining the correct Tool Tip Junction for "Prime Turning" tool assembly.


  • Open tool assembly part file.
  • Go to the Manufacturing Application and initialize the following:
    • CAM Session Configuration - cam_general
    • CAM Setup to Create - turning
  • Select OK.
  • Go to the "Geometry" view.
    • Delete the MCS_SPINDLE and the children.
  • Go to the "Machine Tool" view.
  • Create an ID_80_L turning tool.
Note: The "Tool Insert" orientation must match that of the Insert in the "Tool Assembly".
            (In the image below, the "Tool Insert" orientation will need to be adjusted to match the insert in
             the "Tool Assembly".)

The insert above is a "Diamond 80".

  • Select the "Tracking" tab and assign "P Number" to P7.

  • Select the "Tool" tab.
  • Adjust the "Orient angle" so it matches that of the "Tool Assembly" (-40degrees in this example) and the Insert Size so it matches the insert in the "Tool Assembly".
The adjustment results are seen in the image below...

The tool will be exported out to the "Library".

  • Expand the "Library" group and input "Library Reference".

  • Select the "Export Tool Part File" (The Junctions and Cutting Portion of Tool" need to be defined).
  • Select "CSYS Dialog" for "Specify Mounting".

  • Place the "Tool Mounting Junction" as seen in the image below.

  • Specify the "Tool Tip" Junction by selecting the "CSYS Dialog" icon.
  • Change the "Reference" to "WCS" and select the "Point Dialog" icon  (please see image below).

  • Change the selection type to "Arc/Ellipse/Sphere Center and select the "Center" of the radius on the "Tool Assembly" insert.
  • Adjust "ZC" to be on the X-Y plane (ZC = 0.000).
  • The P7 Tracking Point will be displayed..as well as the "Radius ID".

  • Select the "Cutting Portion of Tool" and "Export Tool to Library".

The system displays the information relating to the export.

Notes and References

Settings Within The Operation

  • Make sure to set the Tracking Point to "Automatic".

  • When the "Tracking Point" is set to "Automatic", NX will create a suitable tracking point if one does not exist.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: CAM
Version: V1863
Function: TOOLS

Ref: 002-8014183

KB Article ID# PL8014183



Associated Components

Manufacturing General