NX1847 and later, change "Hide" (Eyeball) in Part Navigator to "Suppress" in Part Navigator?
NX12 and earlier only had the Suppress option. NX1847 and later the default option in Part Navigator is to "Hide" features, but not "Suppress" them, which will hide the entire body and not allow individual features to be suppressed without hiding the entire body.
To change the Part Navigator back to using "Suppress" versus the out of the box "Hide" feature option, use the following steps:
1. Select using MB3 (mouse button three) or if right handed the right button of the mouse in the Part Navigator, and select "Properties" from the popup menu.
2. Select and change the "Feature Check Box Action: Suppress" option from the default Hide.
3. Now a "check box" appears instead of the "eyeball" icon.
4. These steps only alter the current NX session settings and do not take effect once you restart the NX session. To permanently change the style select 'File -> Utilities -> Customer Defaults -> Gateway -> Part Navigator -> All (tab) -> Feature Check Box Action' and change it from Hide to Suppress. Once is restarted the change will take effect permanently.