How to extract assembly component files to a new folder




How to make copies of an assembly and its component from one folder to another folder?

There are times where the current folder containing that assembly and its component prt files also have many other non-related prt files residing in it; it is difficult to pick and choose the prt file from OS to copy them out.


Launch Clone Assembly command (menu > Assemblies > Clone > Create Clone Assembly)

(1) Go to Log Files tab, click on "Specify Output Log File", browse to a newly created empty directory, name the file "anything.clone".

(2) Go to Naming tab. Specify Default Output Directory to that same newly created empty directory. Then click on "Define Naming Rule", use Add Prefix as the rule type, and use the string: "=".

(3) Go to Load Options and make sure it's set to "From Directory".

(4) Go to Main tab, click Add Assembly and browse to select the assembly prt file. Next checkmark on "Dry Run" and hit Execute.

(5) Close the Clone Assembly command.

(6) In Windows Explorer, open the clone file "anything.clone" in Notepad.

(7) In Notepad use Edit > Replace to replace = with nothing typed in, hit Replace All; this will remove the = sign prefix on the prt file. But be careful that it will replace = sign in any other place as well. So consider an unique string when choosing what to use as prefix in step(2) above.

(8) Save the modifed *.clone file.

(9) In NX, launch clone assembly command again.

(10) Go to Log Files tab, click on "Load and Apply Existing Log File", browse and select the modified *.clone file.

(11) Go to Main tab and click "Execute" to complete the clone operation.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: ASSEMBLIES
Version: V11.0

Ref: 001-9445500

KB Article ID# PL8013768



Associated Components