How to launch NX with a specific set of Assembly Load Options.
For example, there could be multiple icons on the desktop, each for launching
NX with different Assembly Load Options.
Set the desired Assembly Load Options and save them to a file (*.def). One
Assembly Load Options file should be created for each set of Assembly Load
Options needed. Then create .bat files to launch NX.
Here are the steps:
NOTE: If running different versions of NX, set UGII_BASE_DIR and UGII_ROOT_DIR
in the .bat file so it points to the correct version of NX.
If only one version of NX is installed and the UGII_BASE_DIR and
UGII_ROOT_DIR are set correctly as environment variables, then there is no need
to call these in the .bat file.
Create a .bat file that points to the Assembly Load Options settings.
The .bat file will need the following 4 lines of information:
set UGII_ROOT_DIR=C:\NX85\ugii
set UGII_LOAD_OPTIONS=C:\load_options1.def
call "%UGII_ROOT_DIR%"ugii.bat
Please note, that the values to the above variables are an example. The values
should point to the correct paths and files in the user environment.
Create a .bat file for each Assembly Load Options file:
set UGII_ROOT_DIR=C:\NX85\ugii
set UGII_LOAD_OPTIONS=C:\load_options2.def
call "%UGII_ROOT_DIR%"ugii.bat
Now create a shortcut on the desktop that points to a .bat file. Create a
separate shortcut for each .bat file. The shortcuts will launch NX using the
specified Assembly Load Options file.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Version: V8.5
Function: UI_TOOLS
Ref: 001-7185161