After converting PMI, the "Convert Drawing Item" tab is not showing.




In the documentation it states you can show a report of what is converted to PMI in the model.

From the NX 11.0 documentation: 

Review a report of drawing objects converted to PMI

This example shows how to review a conversion report for your part and examine the converted objects.

1. In the drawing file, use the Convert to PMI command to convert one or more drafting objects.

2. Display the model that contains the converted drafting objects. 
Note: skip this step if your drawing is contained in the same part as your model.

3. Choose File tab --> Properties.

4. Click the Converted Drawing Item tab.

5. ...

The "Convert Drawing Item" tab is not showing up, while PMI was converted.



1) Make sure you are in the model, not de drawing (when working master model).

2) Turn on PMI under Applications, and the tab becomes available.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V11.0

Ref: 001-8313104

KB Article ID# PL8010977



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