How to save Dialog Favorites for easy access




How to save dialog favorites for easy access.


 o Open the dialog to be used to generate the Favorite configuration 
o Set the dialog values as desired 
o Select the upper left Dialog options icon --> MB3 "Save Favorite As" 
o Enter the Name for the Favorite --> OK 
o Close the newly saved Favorite dialog 
o In the gallery to add the new button perform MB3 --> Customize 
o Select Categories --> New Item --> New User Command and drag it up to the  gallery 
o Leaving the Customize dialog open, select the new button and MB3 --> Edit Action 
o In Button Action dialog set Type = Favorite and select the saved Favorite from the list --> OK 
o Close the Customize dialog 
o The new button is ready to use and will activate the dialog in the saved Favorite state

Note - You can point to a custom icon for you Saved Favorite as follows:

With the Customize dialog open select the button to change the icon and do MB3 --> Change Button Icon --> Icon Name...

You can point to a custom BMP bitmap or use an existing NX one. To get the names for the existing NX icons you can drag/drop like before to place the icon on the Gallery and then use the Change Icon Name steps above to get the internal NX name for the icon. Then edit your custom entry and replace the name with the internal name and it will use that icon.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Version: V1847
Function: UI_DESIGN

Ref: 001-7920739

KB Article ID# PL8010957



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