When coupling cylindrical geometry modeled with multi-layered shells to a beam
element that represents 1-D fluid flow, the thermal coupling connection
performs a proximity check that picks out the closest elements. In curvilinear
geometry, such as a cylinder that is meshed with a multilayer shell, this
means that sometimes, the closest element is on the bottom layer.
Unfortunately, the expectation is that the connection will connect to a
different layer.
This situation is fairly common on the inside of airplanes. Users may have
equipment which is hot and have rather small air flow rates passing over them.
Users have been finding success using the 1-D fluid flow elements convecting to
solid surfaces.
If there was the addition of a flag to override the proximity check, it would
definitely be advantageous and prevent the users from changing models from 2-D
shells to 3-D solids in order to arrive at correct solutions.
In the latest TMG patch, nx10_tmg10.0.310_svn110163, an override flag is being
introduced to override the proximity check.
The customer will need to create generic entity of type "INPF card". Then add
the following information:
Card number: 9
Text input: GPARAM 4 465 1
This will deactivate the proximity check.