NX How to store settings in operation Display Options

NX for Manufacturing



How are operation 'Display Settings' stored in NX?


The settings are stored in each operation the way they were left - so if you edit an existing operation, it will have the settings that were last used in that operation 
For defaults in NEW operations being created , the settings are stored in each operation in the template parts 
for example , for a 'Floor & Wall' op , you would need to edit the mill_planar.prt (in MACH\resource\template_part\metric) 

- Then ( after restarting NX), when you create a new floor wall operation, you'll get those settings.

There is a customer default that specifies which template parts are used ( and so which ones you would need to edit) 

Manufacturing - General - 'Use Latest Updated Templates'

- If it is toggled OFF, then template parts under MACH\resource\template_part\metric are used 
- If it is toggled ON, then template parts under MACH\updates\template_part\metric are used 
(template parts under the 'updates' folder are sometimes updated when maintenance releases are installed - so these will change your settings back to the default)

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: CAM
Version: V10.0.3

Ref: 001-8925291

KB Article ID# PL8010938



Associated Components

Manufacturing General