Ability to select an edge to define the X Direction of a projected view




When redefining the 'X-direction' of a Projected View, the selection scope 
only has 'Within Work Part Only' as an option. If the drawing uses the master 
model concept, the geometry of the part is not within the work part. How can 
geometry from the part, such as edges, be selected to define the 'X-direction' 
of the projected view?


 Use the option 'Extracted Edges'. The edges will be extracted into the 
drawing and can be selected. 
1. Hover the cursor over the projected view border, 
2. Expand 'Common' and highlight 'Configuration'. 
3a. Toggle 'Representation' to 'Exact'. 
3b. Or toggle 'Representation' to 'Exact (Pre-NX8.5)'. 
 And also toggle on 'Extracted Edges'. 
4. Select 'Apply' on the Settings dialog. 
5. Expand 'Projected' and highlight 'Settings'. 
6. Under the Orientation group, select 'Specify X-direction'.

The Selection Scope will still only have the option 'Within Work Part Only'; 
however, now there are extracted edges from the part that reside in the 
drawing (work part) that can be selected to define the X direction.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V9.0

Ref: 001-7188520

KB Article ID# PL8010929



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