Making Render Set work with two solid bodies




You have two solid bodies, a block and a cylinder. The cylinder is sitting on 
top of the block so the partial edges of the block are hidden by the cylinder. 

Now, if you want the block to display as phantom and the cylinder as solid, how 
can you create a Render Set that would render the invisible lines correctly?


 You need to define two render sets from Preferences -> Drafting View -> Common -> General -> Render Sets -> Define. 

1). The first set contains both solids with Visible Lines set to phantom.

2). The second set contains only the cylinder with Visible Lines set to solid.

Then apply both sets to the view to the view: Select the view -> MB3 ->Settings -> Common
-> General -> Render Sets -> Define in View

This way, the block is rendered in the context of the cylinder, then the cylinder is rendered separately.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V12.0.2

Ref: 001-6507454

KB Article ID# PL8010871



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