Simcenter 3D Solutions RFORCE definition, solver syntax preview, and display

Simcenter 3D




When creating an RFORCE boundary condition in NX, I select a pre-existing node 

as the reference point, but when using Solver Syntax Preview, the RFORCE card 

does not utilize the pre-existing node, why?


 The RFORCE Boundary Condition's definition defines the axis of rotation. 

Since you cannot pick a node (label or filter by node) in the menu for the 

RFORCE in NX, then NX cannot export the RFORCE card using that grid ID. When 

NX translates the RFORCE card into the NX Nastran deck, it creates a new 

orphan node at the selected location which is fixed in all DOF and is 

referenced by the RFORCE card.

Also, the rotation force is being applied to the entire model, not at the 

rotational axis point. So when the formatter uses the new orphan node at the 

exact same location as the axis point node, the physics of the model are the 

same. The BC's definition does not allow the user to use a predefined node 

(defined in the FEM) in the definition of the axis of rotation.


KB Article ID# PL8010826



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