Planar Text operation. Need to do text on a cylinder.
In Modeling:
To create text on a cylinder.
Use application Modeling-Curve-Text. In the Text dialog Type-On Face. Select
Cylinder face and add in an Offset if needed. Location on Face- Placement
location- Curve on Face- select either end of cylinder diameter. In the
Setting section toggle on Project Curves. OK the dialog. At this point you
should have text projected on to the cylinder.
In Manufacturing:
Create a valid tool and a Variable Contour operation. In the Variable Contour
operation select the cylinder as Part Geometry. Set Drive Method as
Curve/Point. Select each spline curve as a single entity and do an Add New Set
for each. Tool Axis will be Normal to Part. Generate path.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: CAM
Version: V10.0.2
Ref: 001-7589854