How to get 'Repeat Command' to show as individual icons




How to get the last 'Repeat Command' operations as individual icons in a 
border bar.


 1. In NX, perform 10 commands, or atleast as many of the commands (plus one 
more), as should appear in the border bar. 
For example, if the last 5 commands are to appear individually in the border 
bar, perform 6 commands. 
If the last 9 commands are to appear individually in the border bar, perform 
10 commands. 
2. In the Menu, select 'Tools-->Customize'. 
3. Select the 'Commands' tab. 
4. Expand 'Menu' and expand 'Tools'. 
5. Under 'Tools', highlight 'Repeat Command'. 
The last commands performed will appear on the right, up to number 10. 
6. "Drag & drop" the commands into the desired border bar starting with the 
top listed command (command 2). 
Make sure to "drag & drop" and place the commands in numerical order. 
If you wish for the last 5 commands to always be in the border bar, "drag & 
drop" command numbers 2-6. 
If you wish for the last 9 commands to always be in the border bar, "drag & 
drop" command numbers 2-10. 
7. Close the Customize dialog. 
The icons will now cycle with each new command performed to show the last 
commands performed. 
Please note that icons will remain hidden if there are not enough commands to 
populate them all. When additional commands are used, the icons will reappear 
and shift down as the new commands are added. 
Also, the 'Repeat Command' list is cleared when changing applications, closing 
a part, and when entering or exiting the Sketch Task Environment.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Version: V9.0
Function: UI_TOOLS

Ref: 001-7678506

KB Article ID# PL8010664



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