When trying to start NX Translators from the Start-> menu in Windows, the customer receives an error that the variable UGII_JAVA_HOME is not set correctly.
The Java Runtime Enviroment (JRE) was not found.
Install your own JRE and set UGII_JAVA_HOME
in C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 11.0\ugii\ugii_env.dat
to the directory containing the bin and
lib directories.
Press any key to continue . . .
In order to run the NX Translators from the Windows START-> menu,
Start-> {All Programs}-> Siemens NX -> {translator}
a 64-bit version of Java must be installed on the workstation. A free Java download can be obtained from Oracle at
To select the 64-bit version of Java, click on the "Free Java Download" button and on the "Download Java for Windows" page click on the link,
"See all Java downloads"
On the next "Java Downloads for All Operating Systems" page, select the
"Windows Offline (64-bit)"
installation. Download and install the 64-bit version of Java for Windows.
NX also needs to know where Java is installed. This is accomplished by defining the environment variable UGII_JAVA_HOME to point to where Java is installed.
For example, if you have just installed Java version 8 Update 221, to the default location, the variable would be defined as;
UGII_JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_221
The UGII_JAVA_HOME environment variable can be defined in the 'ugii_env.dat' file, or as a system environment variable.
Once 64-bit Java is installed, and the variable UGII_JAVA_HOME is properly defined, the NX Translators should start without error from the Windows Start menu.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: TRANSLATOR
Version: V1872
Ref: 001-6901943