Setting "Additional Model Reference Sets" in customer defaults does not create these reference sets in new NX parts.
These Additional Model Reference Sets are used for generating JT files from the NX parts, not auto-generate reference sets in NX parts.
Data translation ->
Writing JT from NX ->
Managing the JT output ->
Model reference sets:
"Additional model reference sets
If you have additional model reference sets in a single part file, you can
write multiple, separate JT files for each additional model reference set. You
can use the Additional Model Reference Sets customer default to define the
additional model reference sets. If a reference set is not mentioned as the
Model Reference Set or one of the Additional Model Reference Sets , then a JT
file is not written for that reference set."
No Reference Sets are created due to this default.
If you need reference sets pre-populated in your NX part files, then add these to your file-new template
Notes and References
https://docs.plm.automation.siemens.com/tdoc/nx/10.0.3/nx_help/#uid:index_nxtojt:xid504563:xid490362Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: GATEWAY
Version: V10.0.3
Ref: 001-7700312