How to create vertical text in Modeling.
Each individual character of the text needs to be read horizontally; however,
the characters should be stacked vertically on top of each other to create
vertical text.
As an example, vertical text will be created along Absolute Y.
Draw a vertical line for the text to follow:
1. In the Modeling application of NX, select 'Insert-->Sketch'.
2. Set Sketch Type to 'On Plane'.
3. Select the XY Plane.
4. Select 'Insert-->Sketch Curve-->Line'.
5. Draw a vertical line parallel to Absolute Y axis.
6. Select 'Finish Sketch'.
Create Text on the vertical line:
1. Select 'Insert-->Curve-->Text'.
2. Set Type to 'On Curve'.
3. Select the vertical line.
4. Set Orientation Method to 'Vector'.
5. Next to Specify Vector, select the 'Vector Dialog' icon.
6. Set the Type to 'At Angle to XC'.
7. Set Angle to: 89.9
8. OK the Vector dialog.
NOTE: Select the 'Reverse Vector' icon if needed.
9. Under the Text Properties group if the dialog, enter the required text
with several spaces between each character.
For example: T E X T
10. [optional] set additional options as needed such as Font, Script,
Anchor Location, Offset, Length, Height, and W Scale, Associative,
Join Curves, etc.
11. OK the Text dialog.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: DESIGN
Version: V8.5
Function: CURVE
Ref: 001-8805131