Importing sketch curves from Solid Edge ST9 into NX11 CAM Express




The design file in Solid Edge has curves on it intended for engraving.  When this .par file is brought into CAM Express, the curves are lost.  If the same .par file is opened in NX (outside of CAM Express), the curves do come through the translator.


This is a setting in Customer Defaults.  Normal NX has this option enabled by default; however, the Manufacturing preferences do not.  So a file brought into Manufacturing directly loses this translator function.

Change this option: 
1. Select 'File-->Utilities-->Customer Defaults'. 
2. 'Expand 'Manufacturing' and highlight 'Geometry'. 
3. Select the 'Solid Edge' tab. 
4. Turn ON, 'Load Construction Geometry'. 
5. OK the Customer Defaults. 
6. Re-start NX is necessary.

This option has to be turned on explicitly in the CAM Express flavor of the software.  Having it turned on in NX does not transfer over to the CAM Express world.  Using the 'Open a Solid Edge Part for CAM' icon in NX will read the CAM Express environment settings.

If running only CAM Express, then launch CAM Express directly (not through Solid Edge).  Then make this change to the Manufacturing Customer Defaults and close NX.  The next time it opens through Solid Edge, 
it should get the changed behavior.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: CAM
Version: V11.0

Ref: 001-7942179

KB Article ID# PL8010458



Associated Components