Setting default Display Format setting in Connection List Properties




In Routing Electrical Connection List navigator, you can set the Display 
Format for the connection list by going to Tools --> Connection List --> 
Properties. The Display Format is always set to "Simple". How can you change 
the default setting to Full?


 Edit the "ugroute_elec.cfg" config file, and for the Connection List Display 
Formats, put the Format you want as the default setting to be on Top of the 
list, for example;

 !! Connection List Display Formats !! 
 Connection List Display Format = Full 
 Connection List Display Format = Simple 
 Connection List Display Format = Smart 
 Connection List Display Format = UG/Harness 

The changes you make to the Config file will ONLY take affect in a NEW part 
and using the BLANK template. If you use the Routing Templates, or any 
templates to create new parts, you will need to open the those templates and 
go into the Connection List Properties, change the Display Format .i.e Simple 
to Full, then save the Template part file.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: ROUTING_ELEC
Version: V9.0

Ref: 001-7534248

KB Article ID# PL8010411



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