Origin command on RMB from Tabular note is no longer there in NX1847




In NX1847, when you RMB on the selection of a Tabular Note in Drafting, the option or command for Origin is no longer there.


The Origin command was removed from the RMB menu on tabular notes.  Edit has been added to access the origin tool from the Tabular Note Section Dialog. 

Double click action on the Tabular note selection will go into edit mode for changing the Origin. Edit-Annotation-Origin, then select the tabular note is another way to access this command.

Aside from these other ways of entering the origin tool, you can add the command to the shortcut menu that displays for annotations.

To do this, select the tabular note, then RMB in the shortcut menu above, and go to Customize.

In the customize dialog, the Shortcut toolbar tab should display with the Annotations.  Table Section toolbar highlighted and also displayed ready for customizing near the dialog. Select the Commands tab, expand Edit and then select Annotation. The command Origin will appear on the right. You can select this command and drag and drop it over to your shortcut toolbar.

The next time you select the tabular note, this Annotations. Table Section toolbar will include the Origin command.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Version: V1847
Function: UI_TOOLS

Ref: 001-6985174

KB Article ID# PL8010409



Associated Components