PMI dimension extension line overhang is too long in Drafting




The extension line overhang of a linear PMI dimension inherited on to a drawing is much longer in Drafting than it is in Modeling.

This is the default (as-designed) behavior. The 'Overhang' value of the Extension Line of a PMI Linear Dimension is multiplied by the view scale when the PMI is inherited on to the drawing. For example, if the overhang on the PMI is 30mm and View Scale 1:20 in Drafting, the overhang is 600mm on the dimension in Drafting.


 To change this behaviour on an existing drawing:

1. Select 'Menu -> Format -> Inherit PMI Tracking' and enable the Properties:

'ExtensionLineLengthPastDimensionLine' and

Select OK.

2. Select the view boundary and 'MB3 -> Settings', under 'Common -> PMI' set 'Inherited PMI' to 'None' and 'Apply'.

3. Set the 'Inherited PMI' option back to the previous setting and select 'Apply' again. This will update the dimension format with the overhang value from the PMI in the model.

Note: There may be other dimension format parameters you want to inherit from the PMI in the model, so other properties may need to be selected via the 'Inherit PMI Tracking' dialog.

(The 'Inherit PMI Tracking' settings are specific to the drawing.)

To make this the same for all new drawings these properties need to be set in the drawing templates. 

To inherit particular properties from the PMI dimension by default, edit the '...\UGII\pmi\property\inherit.xml' file (within the NX installation) and set the required properties operation to 'track' (rather than 'none').

For example:

<Property name="ExtensionLineLengthPastDimensionLine">
<Property name="ExtensionLineLengthPastDimensionLine2">

For further information please refer to the NX Documentation article entitled
'Synchronizing PMI properties'.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: PMI
Version: V1847

Ref: 001-7970544

KB Article ID# PL8010408



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