How to get the expression formulas into the Modeling spreadsheet




When expressions are extracted into the Modeling spreadsheet, only the 
parameters and values appear. The formulas for the expressions do not appear in 
the Modeling spreadsheet. How can the formulas be entered into the Modeling 


 The Modeling spreadsheet ('Tools-->Spreadsheet') will only import the parameter 
and the value of the expressions. If the formulas are needed in a spreadsheet, 
this functionality is available by going to 'Tools-->Expression' and selecting 
the 'Spreadsheet Edit' icon in the dialog. The formulas are available in this 

If the formulas are needed in the Modeling spreadsheet, they can be copied and 
pasted from the Expression spreadsheet into the Modeling spreadsheet: 
1. Select 'Tools-->Expression'. 
2. Select the 'Spreadsheet Edit' icon. 
3. Once the spreadsheet opens, 'Save As' the spreadsheet to a local folder. 
4. Exit the spreadsheet and the Expression command. 
5. Select 'Tools-->Spreadsheet'. 
6. In the Modeling spreadsheet, open the Expression spreadsheet 
 saved to a local folder in step 3. 
7. In the Expression spreadsheet, highlight the expression cells with 
 the Name, Formula and Value. 
8. MouseButton3-->Copy. 
9. Minimize this spreadsheet. 
10. In the Modeling spreadsheet, highlight a cell. 
11. MouseButton3-->Paste. 
12. Exit the Modeling spreadsheet and select 'OK' to save the data.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: GATEWAY
Version: V7.5

Ref: 001-6969056

KB Article ID# PL8010381



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