How can you use ug_inspect to determine if a part file is a Part Family member?
Without opening a part file, you can do ug_inspect -full using nx command
prompt and output a text file as below:
...\UGII\ug_inspect.exe -full D:\test\test-2.prt > D:\test\output.txt
Open output.txt and search for family, then you can find 2 references to
the part family:
Class Name # Objects Schema Name,Version
---------- --------- -------------------
UGS::OM::RootObject 1 UGS::OM::Meta,1
UGS::OCC_part 1 UGS::OCC,97
UGS::OM::SaveAuditTrail 0 UGS::OM::Meta,1
UGS::OM::SaveAuditTrailEntry 0 UGS::OM::Meta,1
UGS::PART_family_instance 1 UGS::PART_FAM,4
-------- Part File Summary ------------
Part name: D:\test\test-2.prt
Product UGII
Release: NX 9
Part units: Metric
Part was last saved in native mode
Part original codeset: CODE PAGE 1252
Part last filed in codeset: CODE PAGE 1252
Pre V10 filing history: <none>
V10 filing history:
Version Save Time Machine User Program
------- --------- ------- ---- -------
Filing history outside UG: <none>
Part File Size (bytes): 61172
Parasolid Version: 26.01.231
Definitely contains no foreign data entities? TRUE
Definitely contains no components? TRUE
Components can be added to this part? TRUE
Part is a family member part
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: ASSEMBLIES
Version: V12.0.2
Ref: 001-7563095