How to display inherited PMI dimensions in a view with a View Break




When creating a View Break in a view with inherited PMI dimensions, the dimensions that cross the break will be displayed with a gap and the break position may also hide the dimension value.


If the 'Inherited PMI' options 'Aligned to Drawing (View Only)' and 'Show PMI on Drawing' are used, the dimensions are placed on the sheet (rather than within the view) and are therefore not adversely affected by the View Break.

To change the 'Inherited PMI' options of a view:

1. Select the View and use the right-hand mouse button menu option 'Settings',

2. Select the 'Common - PMI' dialog and set the 'Inherited PMI' option to 'None', and 'Apply',

3. Then select the 'Aligned to Drawing (View Only)' and 'Show PMI on Drawing' options, 'OK'.

The view will now have a break and the PMI dimensions will be displayed correctly.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V1847

Ref: 001-1963572

KB Article ID# PL8010291



Associated Components