In a shaded section view in drafting, the Cut Face does not display as the Body
color, it display as a single color.
For an existing shaded section view, select the view boundary and edit the
view settings. Select Shading, then select the color box for Shaded Cut Face
Color. In the Color dialog, expand the section for Selected Color and select
the icon for Deselect All Colors --> OK --> Apply.
To set this as a default setting, open the customer defaults and go to
Drafting --> View --> Shading tab, change the Shaded Cut Face Color setting
from Set to Original.
This setting is a Part setting. If you use a template to create a New part in
NX, you will need to open your template partfile and make the necessary change
and resave the template partfile.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V8.5
Ref: 001-7142482