If you go to File --> Preferences --> Sketch you will bring up the Sketch
Preferences screen. On this screen you are able to turn off Continuous Auto
Dimensioning. The only problem is that when you reopen the model, even after
saving with the new preferences, Continuous Auto Dimensioning turns back on.
Is there a way to permanently turn off Continuous Auto Dimensioning so that it
does not turn back on after reopening your model?
Disable the setting in the Customer Defaults --> Sketch --> Inferred
Constraints and Dimensions --> Dimensions tab --> Toggle off Continuous Auto
Dimensioning in Design Applications.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: na
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: DESIGN
Version: V1847
Function: SKETCHER
Ref: 001-7477100