Launching Excel outside NX results in error after NX upgrade




After installing a new version of NX (and removing the previous installed 
version of NX), launching Microsoft Excel outside of NX causes the following 

'D:\NX85\UGII\ug.xla' could not be found. Check the spelling of the file name, 
and verify that the file location is correct. 
If you are trying to open the file from your list of most recently used files, 
make sure that the file has not been renamed, moved, or deleted. 


 1. Open the latest installed version of NX. 
2. Select 'Tools-->Spreadsheet'.

This will cause NX to update the Excel 'Ug' plug-in to the Location of the 
current NX install. Now when launching Excel externally to NX, Excel will 
have the updated path for the 'Ug' plug-in and no longer display the message.

Notes and References

When a spreadsheet is launched from within NX, NX will update the 'UG' plug-in 
in Excel to point to the proper installation of NX.

So when 'Tools->Spreadsheet' is selected inside NX, the 'UG' plug-in in Excel 
will be updated to point to the %UGII_BASE_DIR%\UGII\ug.xla file for that 
install of NX. To verify this, after selecting 'Tools-->Spreadsheet' inside 
NX, perform the following: 
1. Launch Excel. 
2. Select the 'Start' button in Excel (upper left-hand corner). 
3. Select 'Options'. 
4. Select 'Add-Ins'. 
5. Scroll to the 'Ug' plug-in in the list and take note of the Location. 
The Location for the 'Ug' plug-in should be correct for the NX install that 
just launched the spreadsheet.

If this NX installation path is removed, Excel will no longer be able to find 
the 'Ug' plug-in location and will show the above message when Excel is 
launched outside of NX.

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: GATEWAY
Version: V9.0

Ref: 001-7240785

KB Article ID# PL8010262



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