NX How to add an image or logo to an NX drafting title block definition

NX for Design



When setting up title blocks and drawing templates in NX using the Siemens templates as a starting point, how can a user insert their own logo as an image?


o Open the desired template file in Drafting

o  Set Layer 256 to selectable from visible only

o Select the existing Title Block and use MB3-> Edit Definition

o Set dialog focus to the "Tables" section at the top (the entire title block highlights)

o Use <Shift+MB1> to de-select the tabular note section containing the logo (SIEMENS cell)

o OK to close Define Title Block dialog

o Select the cell with the SIEMENS logo and MB3-> Edit Cell and delete contents

o Select the Tabular Note cell  again and use MB3-> Import-> Image and it allows you to select a JPG/PNG/TIF to import into the cell.

o Once the image is in place you can select the Title Block again and re-add the tabular note section back into the definition by using the Tables-> Select Tables panel.

Note - you may need to adjust the image size outside of NX in order to bring it in at the desired size and clarity. This may take a bit of trial and error. To preview the size NX wants to display the image at, use 
Insert-> Image-> Open to select it from the file system onto the drawing sheet.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V1847
Function: TABLES

Ref: 001-6709969

KB Article ID# PL8010255



Associated Components
