Have been creating/storing JT files from NX files for years, but only at piece part (component) level.
In order to store assembly level features, i.e. promoted body with sub-sequent modeling features, performed in the top assembly, UGII_GENERATE_MULTI_CAD_JT=1 were set. At the same time tessUG.config parameter updateChangedPartsOnly=true is set to limit the work load on the dispatcher server generating the JTs.
However, assembly level JT is not created with this setup despite no JT currently exists on assembly level.
How to handle this?
The UGII_GENERATE_MULTI_CAD_JT produces a significantly different flavor of JT. Although we support a hybrid mixture of "UGII_GENERATE_MULTI_CAD_JT" and non -" UGII_GENERATE_MULTI_CAD_JT" it is not recommended to use it in the way proposed. It is better to retranslate the entire assembly context and
regenerate all the JT's, i.e. use updateChangedPartsOnly=false setting.
For example, if an assembly node JT was generated with UGII_GENERATE_MULTI_CAD_JT enabled then it will create references to the underlying components with the assumption that they were generated with the same option; meaning that PMI references etc may be broken in the JT data model; leading to incorrect JT views etc. Nothing will crash, it just may be confusing.
Please note: You need to consider statements in NX documentation under
"Visualizing part and assembly representations within Teamcenter", (Data translation --> Writing JT from NX --> Managing the JT output), when working with assembly level features in conjunction with JT files.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V1899
Ref: 001-8314578