When using the Append Fem... operation,(RMC on a fem in the Simulation
Navigator), the function will not append the source fem because of the
following error: "Source fem part open - append fem: the open fem and target
fem abstraction types do not match". How can a user resolve the error?
The user's target fem and source fem did not share the same solution types,
which is a requirement of the Append Fem operation. The source fem was type
NX Nastran Structural and the target fem was type NX Thermal/ESC. The user
needs to change the NX Nastran Structural source fem to an NX Thermal/ESC fem
type for the append to work properly. After making the conversion, the user
will need to save and unload all parts in the NX session and reload the target
fem. Once the fem's share the same type, the append function will work as