How to align a view to a point located on drawing sheet?
Use the view 'Edit' command to align the view to a point on the sheet:
1. Place the cursor on the boundary of the view to be aligned to the point, and select the right-hand mouse button menu option 'Edit'.
2. Set the 'Placement - Method' to 'Overlay', and 'Alignment' to 'Point to Point'. (Ensure that the Snap Point selection filter has 'Existing Point' selected).
Note: if Overlay option is greyed out, this means an additional view is required on the sheet, use the "Drawing View" command to create an empty view.
3. Toggle off "Associative Alignment". Select the point on the sheet as the 'Stationary View Point' and a point in the view as the 'Current View Point'.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Product: NX
Application: DRAFTING
Version: V9.0.3
Ref: 001-8945839