We want to automate creating a PDF of the NX drawing during a workflow. What
are the minimum NX license(s) required on the Dispatcher Module workstation
for the NxToCgmDirect or RDV-generate-ugcgm-drawing translators?
Command line:
export_ugdwgimages.exe -part=@DB/000019/A -text=text -all -pdf
It pulls a license for gateway and nx_4gd_integration.
I then remove nx_4gd_integration from the license file and restart my license
Now it pulls a gateway license and an nx_4gd_integration license, but gets
denied the nx_4gd license.
12:54:33 (ugslmd) OUT: "gateway" thompsoe@ami6s029 12:54:46 (ugslmd)
UNSUPPORTED: "nx_4gd_integration" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) thompsoe@ami6s029
(License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327)) 12:54:48
(ugslmd) IN: "gateway" thompsoe@ami6s029
The translation DOES work though.
At this point, I say that you need a gateway license ONLY to translate NX
drawings to PDF using NxToCgmDirect.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: GATEWAY
Version: V12.0
Function: CGM_EXPORT
Ref: 001-7684303