Sample CAM Visual Basic Program: cycle tools in all parts in folder
' This program will cycle through all the part files in a selected folder.
' For each part, it will cycle through all tools in the tool view.
' For each tool, it will write the tool name and number in the listing
' window and the syslog.
Below is the program :
' Copyright 2015 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
' @<DEL>@ TEXT ENCLOSED within delete markers will be REMOVED
' 25-may-2010 Mark Rief Adapt from uganswer example to change tolerances
' 02-jun-2010 Mark Rief Put in uganswer
' 27-jun02015 Mark Rief Cycle tools in all parts in selected directory
' TEXT ENCLOSED within delete markers will be REMOVED @<DEL>@
' ===========================================================================
' Boiler plate for cycling all the tools in all the parts in a folder.
' This program will cycle through all the part files in a selected folder.
' For each part, it will cycle through all tools in the tool view.
' For each tool, it will write the tool name and number number in the
' window and the syslog.
' Rename the file from .txt to .vb
' To change the default directory, go to the bottom of this file, look for
' fbd.SelectedPath, and uncomment and edit one of the lines.
' ============================================================================
Option Strict Off
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.Preferences
Imports NXOpen.UI
Imports NXOpen.Utilities
Imports NXOpen.CAM
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports System
Imports System.io
Imports System.Environment
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Module cycle_all_parts_in_dir
Sub Main()
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim foldername As String = ""
' Open the listing window
' Select the directory
If (select_directory(foldername) <> DialogResult.OK) Then
theSession.ListingWindow.WriteLine("Input canceled...exit")
theSession.ListingWindow.WriteLine("Selected directory " &
theSession.LogFile.WriteLine("MY JOURNAL MESSAGE - " &
"Selected directory
" & foldername)
End If
Dim dir As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(foldername)
Dim fsi As FileSystemInfo
' Cycle through all the parts in the directory
For Each fsi In dir.GetFileSystemInfos()
If (TypeOf fsi Is FileInfo And fsi.Extension.Contains("prt")) Then
Dim f As FileInfo = CType(fsi, FileInfo)
Dim pspec As String = f.FullName
theSession.ListingWindow.WriteLine(pspec & " found")
theSession.LogFile.WriteLine("MY JOURNAL MESSAGE -
" & pspec & " found")
End If
Next fsi
theSession.ListingWindow.WriteLine("End of Parts")
theSession.LogFile.WriteLine("MY JOURNAL MESSAGE - " & "End of
End Sub
Public Function Do_each_part(ByVal pspec As String) As Boolean
' This is done for every part file
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim theUfSession As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Dim partLoadStatus As PartLoadStatus = Nothing
Dim partSaveStatus As PartSaveStatus
Dim WorkPart As Part
' Open the listing window
theSession.Parts.LoadOptions.ComponentsToLoad =
theSession.Parts.OpenBaseDisplay(pspec, partLoadStatus)
WorkPart = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim setupTag As Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim camObjectTag As Tag = NXOpen.Tag.Null
Dim RootTag As Tag
Dim answer As Boolean
theSession.ListingWindow.WriteLine(pspec & " opened")
theSession.LogFile.WriteLine("MY JOURNAL MESSAGE - " & pspec & "
If answer = False Then
End If
' If there is a setup only then we go further
If setupTag <> 0 Then
Dim ptr As IntPtr = New System.IntPtr
Dim cycle_cb_fn As UFNcgroup.CycleCbFT = New
UFNcgroup.CycleCbFT(AddressOf cycle_cb)
theSession.ListingWindow.WriteLine(pspec & " has a CAM setup")
theSession.LogFile.WriteLine("MY JOURNAL MESSAGE - " &
pspec & " has a
CAM setup")
'TOOL view
theUfSession.Setup.AskMctRoot(setupTag, RootTag)
If RootTag <> 0 Then
'Cycle through the view and find every object
theUfSession.Ncgroup.CycleMembers(RootTag, cycle_cb_fn, ptr)
End If
End If
' Close the part
NXOpen.BasePart.CloseModified.UseResponses, Nothing)
theSession.ListingWindow.WriteLine(pspec & " closed")
theSession.LogFile.WriteLine("MY JOURNAL MESSAGE - " & pspec & "
Return True
End Function
Function cycle_cb(ByVal camObjectTag As Tag, ByVal ptr As IntPtr) As
'Function called on every object encountered in the CAM cycling
Dim answer As Boolean
Dim theSession = Session.GetSession()
Dim theUfSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
Dim WorkPart As Part = TheSession.Parts.Work
' When cycling check if the object is a Group
theUfSession.Ncgroup.IsGroup(camObjectTag, answer)
' Only then we need to do something
If answer = True Then
' Find the cam object from the Tag
Dim camObject As NXObject = NXObjectManager.Get(camObjectTag)
'Check if the object is a Tool
If TypeOf camObject Is CAM.Tool Then
theSession.ListingWindow.WriteLine(camObject.Name() & " being cycled")
theSession.LogFile.WriteLine("MY JOURNAL
MESSAGE - " & camObject.Name() &
" being cycled")
'Create a tool builder
Dim cutterType As Integer
Dim cutterSubtype As Integer
theUFSession.Cutter.AskTypeAndSubtype(camObjectTag, cutterType,
Dim ToolBuilder = Nothing
If cutterType = 1 Then ' Mill
ToolBuilder =
ElseIf cutterType = 2 Then
' Drill
ToolBuilder =
ElseIf cutterType = 3 Then
' Turn
ToolBuilder =
ElseIf cutterType = 4 Then
' Groove
ToolBuilder =
ElseIf cutterType = 5 Then
' Thread
ToolBuilder =
ElseIf cutterType = 7 Then
' Barrel
ToolBuilder =
ElseIf cutterType = 8 Then
' T
ToolBuilder =
ElseIf cutterType = 9 Then
' Form
ToolBuilder =
' ElseIf cutterType = 11 Then
' Solid
' ToolBuilder =
End If
If ToolBuilder IsNot Nothing Then
' Get the tool number
theSession.ListingWindow.WriteLine(camObject.Name() & " Tool Number is "
& ToolBuilder.TlNumberBuilder.Value )
JOURNAL MESSAGE - " & camObject.Name() &
" Tool Number is " & ToolBuilder.TlNumberBuilder.Value )
'Commit the change (if editing and
' millToolBuilder.Commit()
'Destroy the builder
End If
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
Public Function select_directory(ByRef foldername) As
Dim fbd As FolderBrowserDialog
Dim result As System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult
fbd = New System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog()
fbd.Description = "Select directory to update ALL parts"
fbd.ShowNewFolderButton = False
' start browsing at Desktop folder, uncomment for any other default
'fbd.SelectedPath = GetEnvironmentVariable("UGII_BASE_DIR")
'fbd.SelectedPath = GetEnvironmentVariable("UGII_BASE_DIR") +
'fbd.SelectedPath = "c:\mypath1\mypath2"
fbd.SelectedPath = "d:\users\rief\nx10\junk"
result = fbd.ShowDialog()
foldername = fbd.SelectedPath
Return result
End Function
End Module