is it possible to copy tools between setups?




Multiple older manufacturing setups exist that were created before the site built a standard tooling list and pocket assignments.  Is it possible to go back and replace all the old tools with the new standards easily?


Yes.  It is possible to copy/paste tools between manufacturing prt files, much like operations: 

 - Open up a new file with the standard tools 

 - Open up an older setup in the same NX session 

 - In the new file, right click on the tool (or carrier in this case) 

 - Choose 'copy' 

 - Window to the older setup file 

 - Right click on the GENERIC_MACHINE parent 

 - Choose 'paste inside'

Note that if the carrier and/or pocket names are the same as the existing names in the older setup, the newly pasted objects will be appended with an "_1" tag.

Once the new tool set has been added to the setup, drag the operations from the old tools to the new and regenerate everything.  Then delete the original CARRIER object entirely if it is desired to remove the original tools completely from the setup.


KB Article ID# PL8009969



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