NX What PCB Exchange .ini file stores the Component Load Options?

NX for Design



In NX9, in the PCB Exchange settings ('PCA' tab), there are now 3 options for 
the "Component Load Options". 
-Load and Create Assembly Components 
-Create Bodies Only 
-Load Assembly Components, Create Bodies 
How to set one of these three options in an .ini file?


 This setting needs to be added (not currently listed). 
The Component Load Options can be controlled by adding the following setting to 
the %UGII_BASE_DIR%\UGPCBXCHANGE\pcbx_ug_model.ini file: 

Use one of the following values: 
- ComponentsOnly 
- BodiesOnly 
- LoadComponentsCreateBodies

For example: 
NXWriteComponentAs = BodiesOnly

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: all
OS: n/a
OS Version: n/a
Product: NX
Application: PCB_EXCHANGE
Version: V9.0
Function: ALL

Ref: 001-7163559

KB Article ID# PL8009964



Associated Components

PCB Design