Siemens PLM Licensing Flexlm error is 26026 : can't take license of nx_integration

Licensing Maintenance



Customer has got license file, which contain 27 nx_integration licenses. 
But only one of users is able to run NXManager. Other users get Flexlm error.

Syslog reports: 
... Failed to allocate license nx_integration 
... Flexlm error is: -4 
... UPS_CL_enter_module nx_integration returned error 10 
... Flexlm error is: 26026 - Teamcenter.NXManager.nxmgr_im at 

FLEXLm log reports:

13:41:23 (ugslmd) OUT: "nx_integration" user1@TcServer 
13:41:26 (ugslmd) DENIED: "nx_integration" user2@TcServer (Licensed number of 
users already reached. (-4,342))

So we can see: only 1 nx_integration license is available. 
What's wrong?


 In lisence file we have INCREMENT tag. In INCREMENT tag we have product 
version number.For NX modules version should be 30(for NX10) or 29 (for NX9). 
For Teamcemter modules version should be 10(for TC10) or 11 (for TC11). 
"nx_integration" is Teamcenter module and should be 10(for TC10) or 11 (for 
In the customer lisence file we found two INCREMENT lines: version 10 for 27 
licenses, and 30 for 1 license. 
So License server use only single license with higher version (30). 
Lower version (10) is ignored.

INCREMENT nx_integration ugslmd 10.0 *** 27 SUPERSEDE \ 
 DUP_GROUP=UHD ISSUED=15-oct-2012 ck=219 SIGN="08C6 FD5C 66BD \ 
 B4A9 0306 086E 99E3 9CD7 B6D7 23E8 4698 34B7 917F B2DC 6925 \ 
 0A59 3D4C 28EE A5FC 0D21 3CD8 20E4 15BC 9885 474C A56D EBFC \ 
 AFCF 2290 0019" 
INCREMENT nx_integration ugslmd 30.0 *** 1 SUPERSEDE \ 
 DUP_GROUP=UHD user_info="Line Designer Floating" \ 
 ISSUED=19-dec-2014 BORROW=2880 ck=232 SIGN="1CD1 6FF9 10F1 \ 
 4AE8 5AAF 70A9 15BC F4C6 7DC2 E1AA 6155 B601 527A CA4D 4A09 \ 
 0B29 7530 8185 764C 6877 B9D2 0621 7D0A FD92 E5FC 4229 6DEC \ 
 A2B8 67AE 64B3"

We have a license issue in this case. 

Solution: cut INCREMENT with ugslmd=30.0 from license file, restart SPLM License Server service.

After cutting INCREMENT with higher version (30), 27 users can take a license.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 2012_R2
Product: NX
Application: SYSTEM
Version: V12.0.2

Ref: 001-8341029

KB Article ID# PL8009962



Associated Components

Siemens PLM Common Licensing