can you set standard 5-axis behavior in a Sinumerik post?




Currently, the user has to use the Siemens UDE set to specify swiveling for cycle800 output.  Is there a way to turn this mode on all the time so there is no need for the UDE in every operation?


Yes. Default modes can be set in the post so that the UDE is only needed to override the standard mode when required. OOTB, the Sinumerik posts are set to use TRAORI mode. 

Open the post in post builder and select Program & Tool Path--> Program--> Program Start Sequence. 


Inside of the Start of Program event, there is a custom command called:


Edit this custom command and look for the line:

 set mom_siemens_5axis_mode "TRAORI"; #TRAORI/SWIVELING/TRAFOOF

under the paragraph for your Sinumerik version.  This sets the default mode for multi axis moves.  The available options are in the comment at the end of the line.  Change the "TRAORI" setting to "SWIVELING" to make cycle800 output the default.


KB Article ID# PL8009893



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