How to open Native NX Files for reference quickly in Teamcenter




Ocassionally you may have the need to review data stored on the operating system when you are running managed NX and do not want to go through the effort of manually creating a new Item in TC and importing that data into your database. The following steps can be used in the scenario where you want to 
compare data stored in TC with a part on the operationg system.


 o Open the managed data in NX
o Create a new component via Assemblies --> Components --> Create New
o Take all the defaults to create a blank file
o In the ANT select the new component and make it the Work Part
o File --> Import --> Part
o Set the option Select Part From = Operating System

o Select the native file (prt/catpart/etc) file to import 
   - data will be imported into the temporary component 
o Perform your model comparison 
o Delete the temporary component when work is complete

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: windows
OS Version: 1064
Product: NX
Application: NXMANAGER
Version: V1847
Function: FILE_NEW

Ref: 001-7326966

KB Article ID# PL8009865



Associated Components