How to output incremental output in the posted code.




How to output incremental in the posted code. Customer would like to switch the 

output back and forth between Absolute and Incremental.


This option has two components. One is handled in the post and the other in NX.

In Postbuilder:

Select Program and Tool Path--> Program--> Tool Path--> Machine Control. 

Select the 'Set Mode' event. If you want to use both Absolute and Incremental 

select that option.

In NX:

Setting which mode you want to use is done using a UDE. A UDE can be set for a 

group or in a operation. To set in a group select the group and using RMB, 

select Object--> Start Events. Select 'Set Mode' and change Output Mode to 

either Absolute or Increment. To set in a operation, select from inside the 

operation dialog Machine Control--> Start of Path Events--> Edit. Now select 

'Set Mode' and change Output Mode to either Absolute or Increment.


KB Article ID# PL8009804



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