How to reserve seats of XpressRoute to specific users.




Is there a way to reserve seats of XpressRoute to specific users?


 Yes. Please see the following examples...

Reserve Options File Setup Information:

With Solid Edge Floating licenses, you can control which users get access to different products. If you have a mix of floating products where only some users need access to add-ons or license types, you will create a Reserve Options File. For example, you have 20 floating seats of Classic and 3 seats of Premium. You can create a "Reserve Options File" which will define which users gets what.

Using notepad, create an options file; name it "sedemon.opt" and save it in the same folder your FLEXlm product and license file are loaded, typically this is C:\seflex\program". This file lets you control how you want to administer some of the licenses. Add lines in the text field to establish who gets what. Using the keyword RESERVE secures a seat of Solid Edge to a specified user and the keyword EXCLUDE can lock them out. For example let's reserve 2 seats of Solid Edge Classic to "white" and "kasprzak" and 2 seats of 
Premium to "wilson" and "staples". The file would contain these items.

RESERVE 1 solidedgexpresroute USER white 
RESERVE 1 soldedgeclassic USER kasprzak 
RESERVE 1 solidedgepremium USER wilson 
RESERVE 1 solidedgepremium USER staples

You will have to stop and restart the license server from lmtools to get the options file to take effect. This is a very short example but there are more options. Consult the delivered guide that lists all of the variables and keywords. This guide is listed on your product DVD in the Solid Edge\ResKit\License Manager\FLEXlm User Guide folder. 

Note: When reserving licenses, the total number of licenses reserved can not exceed the number of licenses you have in your license file.

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 764
Application: SETUP

Ref: 001-7924228

KB Article ID# PL8008937



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