Tubing option unavailable in Xpresroute for a family of assemblies.
The Tube command is available for a family of assemblies only when the 'Apply Edits to All Members' option is cleared. More information can be found in Help topic 'Alternate assemblies impact on Solid Edge functionality'.
To create a path in a family of assemblies, check the 'Apply Edits to all members', go into XpresRoute and create the paths; paths are common to all members. Return to the assembly. Uncheck the 'Apply Edits to all members'. Then go back into XpresRoute. The Tube command should be available. The tubes are per member and the reason why you need to clear the 'Apply Edits to All Members'.
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: n/a
Application: ASSEMBLY
Version: V109.0
Ref: 001-8888425