Retrieved 3D Model dimensions that contain Tolerances, Classes or
Pre-/Suffixes will create drawing dimensions with this additional information
however they are not linked to its source. If the tolerance is changed in the
Model Application the Draft Application does not get notified, unlike the
corresponding dimensions which are tracked and updated with the drawing view.
How to get retrieved drawing dimensions with Tolerances, Classes and/or
Pre-/Suffixes linked to its PMI Model Dimension Source?
The simplest solution is to delete the dimensions and retrieve them again
though you will have the same problem again should the model tolerances be
The alternative is to define the tolerances through a PMI Model View and create
a Draving View that uses it.
See detailed information in the SE Help documentation:
Topics: "Creating 3D model views with PMI" and "Create a PMI drawing view"
Notes and References
Hardware/Software Configuration
Platform: INTEL
OS: window
OS Version: 764SP1
Application: DRAFT
Version: V104.0
Ref: 001-7779338