NX Active Workspace - Open in NX does not start NX in a managed session

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Affected Software: NX January 2019 functional release (NX 1847 Series)
Affected Build(s): NX 1847 and NX 1855
Associated PR Number(s): 9364663
Resolved in Monthly Update: NX 1859 - April 2019 monthly update (NX 1847 Series)
When opening an object in NX from Active Workspace, NX is not starting in managed mode. This behavior exists for any object and not limited to an Item Revision, Dataset or Workset.
The startup syntax delivered with NX setup was determined to be incorrect. As a result, when NX processes the instruction sent from Active Workspace, it results in an error.  
The problem is resolved in the April 2019 monthly update (NX 1847 Series).
The capability can be restored by correcting the startup syntax saved in the Microsoft Windows registry. Editing the registry requires Administrative privilege. All precautions should be taken before attempting any registry edit. The following two changes to this registry key are required. 
1. Change ug to ugm
2. Add "=" between -http_url_file  and \"%1\" "

Note: Do not use the example below as is. Modify the registry key and update UGII_BASE_DIR based on your NX product installation location.
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\NXTCXML File\shell\open\command]
@="\"C:\\Progra~1\\Siemens\\NX\\NXBIN\\ugs_router.exe\" -ugm -use_file_dir \"%1\" -passthrough -application_id=AW -user_action_flags=0x0 -opts -http_url_file=\"%1\" "

Product Information:
  • Product: NX

KB Article ID# PL8008780



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